Sunday, December 10, 2006

OUR TAX DOLLARS HARD AT WORK.....psshhaaaaa right!

ALRIGHTY THEN! This is a secret from the website WWW.POSTSECRET.COM and I for one am really pissed about this particular secret! Ok most of us have been down on our luck at one point or another and had to get on welfare, some ssi, others unenjoyment, to list a few government organizations.... oh and the tax people,. let us not leave those fuckers out!!! Anyways, this secret disgusts me, because I have known friends to have had their paperwork "lost" at several different places , from the welfare office to the damn food bank, ok! And you know its bull cause you were the one who drove the friend to hand deliver said papers right?? right! So what makes this person justified in screwing others' lives up because they dont "feel " like doing? and wtf???? ummmmm our tax dollars are paying this asshole to shred some poor girls welfare documents because its too much work? what if that person has nobody else? what if her baby needed that section 8 to survive and have a roof over their heads? It's really a shame to read a secret like this , especially at christmastime, as i have a friend who is struggling to give her daughter a x-mas this year, asked the food bank for help, filled out papers right there, (i took her there myself!) and magically said papers cant be found, they show no record of her having filled them out, so she was not sponsored for x-mas, and will not be having a very good one as a result. this girl needed help, and did all she could, filled out some fucking pencil pushers paperwork...... only to be heartbroken in the end. I wonder if it was you whom wrote this secret that fucked up my friends christmas??? I feel like sending this picture to ... a congressman.... or something..... don't you? aren't you outraged that because of people like this others who have less than most could be suffering? MY TAX DOLLARS PAY THIS PERSON TO SCREW WITH OTHERS LIVES, and he or she will never have top pay!!!! its a sad sad thing I tell ya! I am furious, and I am going to find a way to stop it! *tapping side of forhead**.... "think, think think," as Mr. poohbear would say!


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