Monday, January 02, 2006

shopping with rude people sucks!!!

hiya bloggypals. just a note to tell ya'all about my day yesterday. my friend and i took the kids out yesterday. we ventured out to the local asshole store otherwise known as walmart! i only say this because people try to run you over in the parking lot, the employers are VERY rude (i think thats a result of the assholes that shop there) and 90 percent of the customers are assholes too. ok lemme explain..........
it took us over an hour to obtain kitty food ,toilet paper , razors and a few other little items. heres why.........first of all trying to get into the store was a joke. the line for returns and stuff was so dang long it went out into the store and wrapped around in a circle! and all those people were BITCHING incessively about the line, well um hello, if ya DONT like it, DONT stand there, but please dont make us all listen to you have a cow! lol. so long about halfway thru the store winter needs to pee ( every time eh? lol kids....) so we are boonying to the bathroom across the store... and people are so rude to little people. one jerk even pushed past my little 5 yr old and said " get the hell out of the way" i was like EXCUSE ME SIR, BUT WHO DIED AND MADE YOU KING OF THE STORE? he says "hey fuck you lady get your kid out of my way" i calmy told him i hoped the fleas of a thousand camels infested his armpits and we walked away. ok, now winter is a five yr old little girl, do you really think she specifically tried to be in his way? i dont hardly think so! what a jack ass! plus is it her fault she cant see any higher than a persons crotch yet??? oh yes she has mastered the art of looking ahead of her to make sure there is not one crotch in her way. give me a break! heres what i want to know, where did the human kindness and decency of this world go to anyways? for god sakes little kids are being abused in the store now just for being small. its bullshit! so all ya'all out there who think you rule the world..........your wrong cuz I DO lol, just kidding, but seriously all people need to remember to be nice to little kids when they are out shopping and happen to get in your way, they arent trying to. so we were walking back towards the section of the store where keegan and my friend erika were waiting for us, in the pillow section. funny thing is there are a million pillows in the aisle and the only one winter spots is the neck pillow that is shaped like a horseshoe, and of course it has pictures on it so you can see how to wear it. so winter loudly asks "mommy why is that lady wearing a toilet seat on her neck??" i almost peed my pants right there i laughed so hard. others' around her were laughing, ohhhhh but not the asshole ... he just stood there glaring. god forbid he should laugh at something funny. i bet hes an asshole ALLLLLLL the time. did he follow us just to be an ass? who knows.
so we left walmart, not before standing in ungodly lines to check out tho. now we are on our way to Red Robin. mmmmmmmm yummy. the kids are excited because we don't very often enjoy the finer things in life like eating out. erika thought since it was her b day last week, she would ask if they would sing her the happy birthday song. she explained that her b day was right near x mas and we couldnt come out on x mas... so please could they honor her birthday just a little late? and do you know what.... they said yes! so after her meal 6 people come over to the table clapping loudly... she was like whats going on? then they stopped at her table... still clapping loudly and now singing a happy birthday was adorable, she got totally shy and hid under my armpit. then they presented her with a fudge sundae..... woohooo. it was so cool to see the look on her face. so she starts eating her sundae...of course the whipped cream was on top.... she is grubbing the cream when all of a sudden she hit ice cream, and blutred out "oh mommy, theres ice cream too" i said did you think it was all fudge and whipped cream? blushing she said yes. the funny things kids say and do never seem to fail to come at the most unusual moments. thats for damn sure! ok now i have rambled on for a while, i think i better get back to my dishes............... till later...


Blogger rauf said...

Goodness me Caralyn you gonna kill me one day. Your frustrations are fun for your BLOGGPALS. Me laughing
like a hayena.
Perhaps this is what happened to you.

Talking to myself and feeling old
Sometimes I’d like to quit
Nothing ever seems to fit
Hangin’ around, nothing to do but frown
Rainy days and mondays always get me down

5:51 PM  

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