Saturday, September 16, 2006

Holding vitamin conversation.....

ok, i am not allowing my blog held hostage by some freak!!!!!!!!!!!
on that note......
JT,K & W are sitting down to lunch today....mmmm yummy mac n cheeze...scrumptious orange jello and peaches, S starts asking "wheres your veggies?" and chatting with the kids about different foods and how they all give you different nutrients, etc,etc, and how thats why we have you take vitamins to make up for things you might be missing , etc etc.... lol... the kids are pretty used to this speech as he gives it probably every other day. so at the end of his speech W turns and looks at her daddy and says "your always on your vitamin thing" rofl... omg it was so funny... she absolutely hates vitamins, and we buy the yummy ones. we buy flintstones. mind you i have bought every brand from gumballs to gummies. heres the problem....
1. gumballs........ 2 x daily
(reminding you i have 3 kids....and vitamins are not cheap)
2. gummies........3to 4 x daily...(depends on brand)
3. centrum for kids.... 1 chewable...... i wont even eat them they taste like shit!
4. flintstones for kids.... 1 chewable .....yummy these are good......
5. sour gummies.... 3x daily ... again taste like shit!
ok so i have made my point ; yes??? some of these vitamins are awful!!! i only tried all of them to see if i could find an easier way to get W to take them. JT and K have no problem taking a vitamin every day. W will even say "im too full for a vitamin" because i give them after lunch or breakfast. i have found stashed away vitamins in my bathroom behind the toothbrush the bottom of the sink drain (she didnt realise it has to dissolve to go away lolol) she has even asked for a cup of juice to "eat" it with even tho i have found the vitamin in the bottom of the undrunk juice cup lol. im on to all her little tricks now though, she has to eat it in front of me, and if i look in her mouth and see vitamin in the grooves of her teeth, lol... i dont make her eat another. so shes been pretty good about eating it the first time 'round lately lolol. any body else have troubles with kids and vitamins??? man when i was a kid i loved my vitamins! and if we had been blessed with bubblegum vitamins ....... wowweee! lol. actually those bubblegum vitamins arent half bad...the vitamins are in a thin layer on the inside of the hollow gumball, so by the time you get to tasting vitamin, its been pretty well masked by the flavor of the gumball. i really liked those vitamins, but 2 a day ....30 in a box $9.99-$12.99 and 3 kids ........... got expensive real quick, plus sometimes i took them instead of my vitamins, cuz they tasted better and i got a piece of gum !!! i want gumball vitamins for adults, id never forget to take my vitamins if i got gum! im a gum chewer. if you have only 1 or 2 kids and they love gum, then lemme tell ya what the gumball vitamin was an ingenious idea...... i mean what kid doesnt love to chew gum??? speaking of gum, trident has this fabulous new flavor out...
Watermelon Twist........... ohhhhhh its so good. i love trident... its the best gum for kids.if you are a gum chewer, you must try this gum. i wish they had scratch and sniff screens so you could smell it ... lmao!!!
well i have to give a friend of mine a ride in the morning, and 5 am comes quick. so goodnight fellow bloggypals, sleep with the angels....


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