busy busy busy
been thinking about my garden lately.... i need to build myself a medium sized planter box thats fairly deep... i want to contain my veggies this year, and manage how big they get. last year my tomatoes overtook my whole garden killing off my peas and cukes !! pissed me off. BUT i think this year i am going to try my green thumb on some cherry tomatoes instead of giant beefsteak ones. last year my girlfriend planted cherry... they were fruitful for months, and absolutely delicious! she cheated tho, she bought little baby plants, i9 plan to plant everything from seed again this year. its almost time.... i am getting anxious. i wish i had more space, i would start all my seedlings in the house now! lol.
i also want to try to grow peppers this year, i want a jalepeno tree... and also to grow red green and yellow peppers. i dont know anything about peppers, so i have some reading to do. heck maybe if i plant peppers too.... the squirrels and birds will accidentally eat the wrong thing ... have a mouth of fire and not come back! last year i hardly got any strawberries and peas. they loved them. and do any of you have any ideas how to keep birds from stealing your fresh planterd seedlings? i need to prepare for that this year! i replanted seedlings 3 x last year! especially of lettuce, they really dig the young lettuce. i found out that beer is most appealing to slugs, so i no longer use any slug bate, i just put out a few saucers of beer... they crawl in get drunk and die!! lol nice way to go i suppose.... better than salting them. omg speaking of slugs.... hubby found this crazy game, kids love it and its kind of fun....
its called slug slayer.... object is to kill slugs with salt... go figure. lol, but it really is fun, so far i have not gotten more than 18 slugs. give it a whirl, let me know how ya'all do. theres actually a ton of really fun games on this site, surf around maybe you will find something you really like.
ok im off to do the chores. i wish i was jeannie... little nod of the head and chores are magically done.............. i know wishful thinking eh? lmao....
have a great day bloggypals..... the sun is out ... better enjoy while we can :)