I went to the local walmart this evening......supposed to just buy a few things and leave. pshaaaaa right! you never get it that easy at wally world!!! So I am leaving and I get to my car, putting all my stuff away..... and i hear this godawful bloodcurdling screaming "help me, somebody help me please" i look over my shoulder and there is this poor young girl trapped in her car, while some guy is leaning into her drivers side window lunging at her.... wierd.
she screams louder, so i slam my trunk and go running, at the same time two other girls come running as well.... we all are trying to kick this guy, and get him out of her window( after all we are just females lol) he finally falls down with a swift kick to the nuts, and me and another girl pull this poor blood soaked girl out of her car. meanwhile 3 dudes come out of nowhere seeing 4 women in distresss, one of which is bleeding profusely, and they tackle dude to the ground beating the everloving shit out of him in the process. im yelling for people top call 911... (why do people just stare??? instead of help???) and asking for anyone who has a blanket in their car to go get it please as she is going into shock. i cant tell where all the blood is coming from... but its pouring out of her. i covered her in blankets and tried to keep her talking .. coherent.... ALIVE. it was damn near 10 minutes before a fucking FIRETRUCK got there, and this girl was fading fast..... then the cops get there... and yell at me to move, i yelled back no, im not going ANYWHERE untill the emt's get here! she asked if i could get her mommy , and stated she dident want to die. i asked if she knew her moms number , we got someone else with a cell phone to call her mother , and put her dying self on the phone with her mommy.......... poor girl, even moreso, poor mommy. there are like 7 people on the phone with 911 at this point, still no ambulance! bullshit!!! in trying to keep this girl alive, not falling asleep... ( she sure tried to , let me tell you) the only thing i can think of is keep her talking... no closing the eyes, dont let her give up! so i made her talk... i found out she was a 22 year old mom of 2 beautiful little twins 3 yrs old. her kids were with her mom at that time, that he was the ex boyfriend who she had recently left because he was abusive, and that he had stabbed her that she was aware of in her head, her back, her stomach, her shoulder, and 3 other places... can you say insane??? so now people are starting to stand around and gawk! how morbid, with their children even! some people are so fucked in the head... ya um, let your kids see a girl dying in the walmart parking lot surrpunded by a pool of blood? wtf is wrong with you? im sitting with this girl, keeping her as calm as i can, and she tells me, shes tired , shes sooo tired and she cant feel a thing in her whole upper body, the pool of blood is getting larger, and its getting harder to keep her awake and alert. 15 minutes pass and FINALLY A FUCKING AMBULENCE GETS THERE. she goes to harborview and we all fill out statements, i myself cant wait to testify against this prick. you know i cant even begin to tell you how much this story isnt as whole as it could be.... i just cant find the proper words to describe my experience. all i want is to know if she made it! if she is ok? there was so much thick pooled blood around her i cant fathom that she didn't die. it would be a miracle!
he was stabbing her with a fucking 6 inch hunting knife! in her own car people! she couldnt get away from him. it was insane!!! i hgave nothing else to report for now, except that i saw in the paper she was transported to harborview for "treatment of her wounds" but it didnt specify if she lived or not, i cant see how she could have to be honest! but because of privacy laws they wont tell me anything. i was like listen, i know the privacy laws as they are, ok, and thats great, but i spent 15 almost 20 minutes fighting with this girl to keep her alert awake and alive untill your fucking ambulence bothered to get there, and all im asking is " is she alive" and they still gave the ol speech about privacy act!!! now thats some shit right there! if she lived i suppose i will only find out when i am subpoena to go to court and testify as to what i witnessed! along with the others who were there. hmph! well im so done typing for now.... see ya later...